“When it’s your job or whole business on the line,
you can’t operate without a guaranteed disaster recovery solution in place

You need daily, automated and monitored protection you can count on.

Crashed Harddrive

You walk into the meeting, turn on your laptop and you see the dreaded “Boot Device Not Found” or “Missing Operating System”. 

🞨 Drive Crash. You’ve officially lost everything.  

Replace the drive and DSI will put back all your data, exactly as it was.  You’re back in business. 

Ransomware Data Infections

You walk into work to see this (or many like it) on your screen.  

🞨 All your company and personal data has been encrypted. 

Your data is being held for ransom and who knows if paying in crypto will actually unlock your data.  

 Delete the infected data, clean your system of the infection, check your firewall and call us.  DSI will put all your data back exactly as it was the day before you got infected. 

Missing or Deleted Files and Folders

Sometimes you just want a good day. Today is not that day– the file or folder that is supposed to be there is missing.  Not in the recycle bin and nowhere to be found.  

Why did it get deleted? Who deleted it? When did it get deleted?

🞨 So many questions.. but the folder, file, or data is gone.

Call us and we’ll find when it was last seen and put it back in place immediately.  That’s the DSI difference. We figure it out and help you get back on track with a smile.

Broken Computer

🞨 You’re in a hurry and you leave your laptop on top of your car.  

🞨 You set your laptop down, forget about it and it gets run over.  

🞨 You’re walking and drop your laptop — it’s broken & wont boot up.

So many physical mistakes can happen.  

With DSI protection, we can put your whole login and data back in place on any new system.  You’ll be back in action and feel like nothing changed! 

Device Theft

You’re in the airport and turn around– 
🞨 Your laptop is gone.  

You take an uber and left your laptop in the car.  You call and the driver hasn’t seen it. 
🞨Your laptop is gone. 

You left your laptop in your car overnight. You wake up to broken windows and.. 
🞨 Your laptop is gone. 

These situations can be devastating for busy professionals. 

With DSI, just drop us into your new system and we push everything down just as it was.  Nothing lost and pick up where you left off. 


Corrupt Files or Data

It doesn’t make sense?  You just saved the file or used the database yesterday!

You’ve been working on this presentation for a week now and it’s corrupt? 

🞨 Something went bad and now your data is unreadable- Unable to load.

No worries – DSI can restore the last copy, have you check it, and even restore back each day until it’s working.  That’s the DSI difference.

Fire, Explosion, Flood, Tornado, etc.

Sometimes you face the worst news.  A natural or unfortunate disaster. 

🞨 You’ve officially lost everything.  

You have a lot to deal with in putting your business back together but thankfully you don’t have to close the doors. 

 Replace the computers or servers, drop the DSI installer on the new computers and we’ll put back all your data, exactly as it was before the disaster.  You’re back in business. 

Blue Screen of Death: Reinstall

Something went wrong with your operating system. It won’t boot and your only choice is to reinstall the whole system. 

🞨 You have to reinstall and overwrite all your data

 After reinstall, drop the DSI installer in place and we’ll restore all your data, exactly as it was. 

Reverting Back to Previous Saves

You’re editing a document and after a few days, you realize you have gone in a completely unwanted direction. You need to revert back to a previous version but all you have is the single file you’re working on and that’s not the right version.  

🞨 You don’t have any old versions or copies to fall back to. 

 We can revert back to any previous version you had saved and even restore it along side your current version so you can compare changes.